Sunday, 27 November 2011

The Humanity of Jesus

The humanity and the divinity of Jesus has been discussed over a multitude of times by men of faith from the earliest centuries. I am not even attempting to go down the route that many others more worthy than I have trod.
In this blog my aim is simple. I aim to show you a simple human being called Yeshua who was born about 2000 years ago.

When we see Jesus as God who trod on this earth somehow the magnitude of His life on earth gets diluted.
Just like Adam, Jesus was wholly human. Just like you and me. He, of His own did not possess any special powers - just like you and me. He too had to pray for sustenance - just like you and me. The miracles that He performed were in His own words , the Father working through Him. Jesus also goes on to say that we His followers would be able to do more things than Him because He is going to the Father and that They shall send the Holy Spirit for us.

Dear friends, Yeshua was wholly human when he trod this earth. He, through His life, was showing us how to BE the word; how to love the Father and how to do the will of the Father. It wasn't somehow supernaturally easier for Jesus to live a Holy life and to submit to Gods will. Just like you and me He was born with His own free will. Just like you and me He was tempted by satan. What is important is to learn from Him how he dealt with difficult situations.
What we need to learn from Him and from His words in the gospel is how He found the graces to withstand the temptations of this world, and how He showed us through His life, How to do the will of the Father , AND most importantly how to love the Father.
Because through Adam humanity failed in Gods design of man being the light of the world,  it was neccessary that another man came to show humanity THE WAY to be THE LIGHT. And he had to be wholly human to show us that it was wholly possible to be the light of this world.
When we read the gospel, if we concentrate on the words that Jesus says, His teachings and His conversations, we come to see a great truth. Jesus always refers to His Father in heaven with great awe and respect. He attributes everything to the Father in humility and love.
 He says to Mary Magdalene (JOHN 20:17) - But go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'
We are His brothers and siblings, children of the same God whom our Lord Jesus called His God. We are born as children of this God entitled to the relationship which Jesus had with His Father and His God.
 This is our call ---To live our lives as Jesus did. This is no mean call. It is a call to this life.
This life on earth is not an insignificant passing of time to while away in worthy deeds in order to gain admission into heaven at the end of it.(that is the subject of another blog) Unfortunately many in the Christian faith, even many renowned preachers too, believe that that is so.

Just as the Father was in Jesus and Jesus was in the Father while He lived on earth, Jesus calls us to live in Him so that we be one. This oneness comes from total surrender and total love. To love with all our soul, all our heart, all our strength and all our mind.
 WE are called to be ONE with GOD. This is not an utopian idea or concept but a wholly doable and wholly required surrender from mankind. When we love God as Jesus taught us how to, great graces are released into our lives. It becomes much more easier to follow the other commandments. For as children of the most High God we do it out of love. We become incapable of sin for it is farthest from our minds.
Till now the gospel has been preached to us the wrong way round. We have been told to turn away from sin and to believe in Jesus Christ so as to avoid eternal damnation. This is a purely materialistic and 'me first' form of Gospel preaching and Christianity.
First we have to know our God and then to love Him. The love of God should come first, not only in the order of commandments but also in our gospel preaching and Christianity. We are always told that God is love and so he forgives---yes it is true. But more importantly we are called to be love--and to love HIM.
For without this foundation stone -  the love Jesus had for His Father and the love that Jesus wanted each one of us who are called, to have for His and Our Father -- Christain life is like the house built without a foundation.

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