Tuesday 25 June 2013

Part 1 : Belief, Faith, Knowledge --which is the greatest of them all?


Beliefs change, faith can get shattered, but knowledge remains. 
Knowledge grows and Knowledge remains.

But we always hear about beliefs and faith, especially in Christianity. And they are considered very good things.

Yes. They all belong to a spectrum. Belief needs to become Faith and Faith when verified becomes Knowledge. 

Knowledge grows and knowledge remains.
Why repeat myself? Important things are worth repeating and worth taking the time to understand fully.

Knowing God, knowing the person who God is, opens the door to knowing oneself. True freedom and liberation comes from this knowledge. Knowing and loving the Almighty creator God empowers and liberates and sets free. Fear no longer has power. For fear has to do with punishment and fear is not the portion for Gods children. We are born into sonship of God. By emulating the firstborn and being the light we walk into majesty.

DIVINE Retreat at Revesby - July 20th, 2013

The Divine Retreat Centres are known all over the world in charismatic circles. This is mainly because their flagship retreat centre located in Kerala, India is the largest Catholic retreat centre in the world. Over 10 million people from all over the world have attended retreats here since 1990. Weekly retreats are held in 7 different languages throughout the year.

The Divine Retreat Centre in Somersby, New South Wales, Australia opened its doors in April 2013 under the Broken Bay Diocese with Fr. Michael Payyapilly as its Director. Much spiritual and physical graces are sought and received at Divine Retreats by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to the residential retreats being conducted at Somersby, Father Michael will be leading a One Day Charismatic Retreat at St. Luke's Catholic Church, Revesby on Saturday, July the 20th. The Retreat begins at 10.30 am and concludes with a healing mass by 5 pm.

Retreat attendees are usually multi-denominational as everyone is welcome. There is no registration fee for the retreat and a light lunch will be provided. Revesby is on the Airport Line for those hoping to come by train.