Thursday 29 March 2012


Dear Abba Father,
This is just a short note to tell you how I feel. I know that I haven't been talking with you awfully much in the recent past. Its not because I don't love you, rather because I was preoccupied with a bout of self pity.
I know you are doing fine and that you are waiting to hear from me. I am kind of Ok now and just want you to hold my hand. There are so many things which I need you to teach me -  please do so when you get a bit of time. I know you showed me that passage in Micah the other day, but I didnt actually 'get it'. It was about Jesus and him being from the ancient times. But I completely lost what came after that.
Also Lord there is going to be a lot of changes over the next few months in my family as you well know.
Just make sure we lock the door everyday and watch out for each other. Also guide our paths as we trod on foreign shores. I am completely putting my trust in you as we walk toward the unknown - may your will and wealth be released upon our desires and life. May each day be of glory to you and your children.
Lots of love,
your loving daughter.

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