Thursday 28 November 2013

Being a Mum (or a Dad)

Being a mum or a dad is not easy. Far from it. But by its very nature it is a role essential for the survival of the species.
Sometimes, we as dads and mums, take ourselves too seriously :) Yes, thats true - we take ourselves too seriously, and worry without end about the future of our children, their character, their acheivements or lack of, their vulnerabilities, their illnesses, and so on and so forth.

But hold on for a moment! Are they actually our kids? Do we really know them? Arent they entirely disparate entities, with their own mind, thoughts and functions? And above all, weren't they created by the Almighty Father in the image and likeness of Jesus? If then they are brothers and sisters to Jesus, arent they Gods children? What then are we doing worrying our head off about them?

We are merely caretakers of these beautiful gifts to the earth. God has specially crafted them and given them to us to care for and nurture in His ways. Like a loving gardener it is our duty to tend, prune and feed them. But just like the gardener goes to his own home to sleep every night so must we also (albeit figuratively). We should leave our children in the arms of their natural father, The Almighty, and retire from the belief that they are our children.

This is not to say that we have no role to play. Quite the opposite in fact. Our role is to BE the child of God so that they see Christ and His love in us. Our role is to model the nurturing love and care of God to them. Our role is to help them discover their true identity and to empower them to live it.

We dont fail if our children fail at school, we dont fail if our children arent 'high acheivers', we dont fail if they 'fail'.
But we do fail if we have not been good role models to them, we do fail if we have forgotten to tell them to store riches in heaven and only taught them to store riches on earth, and we do fail if we still keep carrying on about them as if they were our possessions.

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