Tuesday 11 February 2014

Letting Go

Let me begin in the great love I have for you in Christ Jesus. Dear sisters and brothers, seeing the amount of pain and suffering in this world I feel I need to write this. Please share this with someone you know who is suffering.

Our primary aim and goal as a Christian is knowing God and knowing ourselves. Knowing ourselves is essentially coming to a biblical understanding of who we actually are.
Each one of us as mentioned in John 1: 12-13 who have received and believed in Jesus have been given the power to become children of God. When we recognize this we need to actively seek to know God our Father. We need to know Him and then love Him. Ultimately our goal is to raise ourselves up as His sons and daughters. If we scan the New Testament there is much to show us the characteristics of a son or a daughter. As and when we hunger and thirst to love Him He gives us the spirit and circumstances for our sanctification -- so that we may be like Him. For as He is we should be also. There is then liberation from the worldly bonds, liberation from depression, anxiety, healing and restoration.

The road of sanctification is the narrow road of our crosses - but the crosses are not those of gloom. They are simply to be used to exercise and practice Gods nature - practice makes perfect. Gods nature is clearly described in Luke 6:27 onwards. As he is so we should be also. All that we have and all that we have been given are simply blessings. God blesses everyone--muslim, christian, pagan - everyone. But only a true son of God and a true daughter of God can be liberated and free - liberated from this world and its worries. A son of God learns to unite his will to that of the father to build His heavenly Kingdom and he BEcOMES the Good News.

There is much pain in families, individuals and children, much aloneness, much depression, much strain of trying to live life. Much pain, just as there is in the rest of the world among those who are not Christians.
We can change that. Our lifestyle should not be about the food we eat, the car we drive, the job we have or dont have or our schooling choices -- it should be about truly aspiring and acquiring our true identity - to be as God is, to be the Good News. We were not called to be 'followers' of Christ but we were reborn to be a sibling of Christ, with the character of God, living a life of power in liberation.
Let Go.
Let Go of all your burdens and pain. From today let us seek to personally know God our Father more fully (John and Luke will help), love Him as He desires to be loved and seek healing and true liberation from this world and its plagues through the Holy SPirit in Jesus Christ. Let us re-educate ourselves to leave the cares of this world aside (for thus we were in the garden of Eden).
If we are not sons and daughters we are then merely servants - and it pains our dear Father when he sees his beloved heirs not living in the fullness of freedom and liberation of spirit, mind and body that they are entitled to.
Each one of us -- you and me are precious in the eyes of God. Even as we walk through our darkest days alone, we will rise again in the Knowledge and love of God as triumphant sons and daughters.
God bless

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