Friday 2 October 2015

God loves us with a desperate love.

The love of God for mankind is not of the weak, fluffy, all encompassing type; it is of a deep, personal and desperate kind. I have mentioned earlier in this blog that the reason Jesus came down to earth was because he saw this unrequited love of the Father to His children - the unreturned, unknowing, faithless, lukewarm love.

2 millenia this side of the coming of Jesus it is such a pity that the same unreturned, unknowing, faithless and lukewarm love for God still not only exists but also parades as the heights of religiosity.

Brothers and sisters, kinsmesn and kinsfolk - don't get fooled!

Our God is a powerful God. He also sets the planets and the universes in their orbits. But he loves you with a very personal love. HE created you in His image and likeness. HE created you as His own. HE created you to share in his divinity, HE created you to love.

The world may tell you that you are an inconspicuous speck of dust in this universe. The Gospel tells you that you are a son of God (John 1:12-13).
Jesus tells you that you and HE have the same Father and same God (John 20:17).
I am telling you that you are loved individually and desperately, as only a Father can love His children.

Imagine, dear brothers and sisters, that your lovely, dear son at home went on a trip. The trip got extended and extended. The longer the seperation became the more the desperation in your heart. You longed to hear his voice, you longed to hear him call Papa, and you longed just to hold him in your arms close to your heart.

This simply describes our Father's love for us.

The call of a Christian is to answer this love. Love for love; desperate love with desperate love; all encompassing love with undying passion!

For first we must know and seek Him. Then we must love Him - desperately, like there is no tomorrow and no past. For to him your transgressions were wiped away, your past is no more.  At the final count, only each day of love will count.

All of Christianity can be condensed to this; in fact all of the entire world philosophies and faiths boils down to this - a passionate loving creator God seeking to raise up His progeny (children) according to His heart.

Our God seeks to show us our Godliness, to raise us up to recognize our divinity which was instilled in us at our very creation.

POSTSCRIPT: Love Him, Love your Father; for there is no greater act of faith than that.

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